Last night was a carnival at the house. The night before we'd noticed the air, which has always struggled, wasn't doing a thing but blow air. I made the call to our adopted brother, J.B., for help. He is Melissa's brother and he has manly man skills. He met me at the house after work and determined that things weren't well with the a/c. The refrigerant is leaking. Susan comes home with Kaitlin, then Susan's parents arrive with Maggie the lab puppy. Parental units in town because her mother needs a dress for some function. At this point, J.B. and I crack open a beer and he breaks the news to Susan. She cracks open a beer. The a/c men are phoned. The Holiday family goes out for dinner and is going to bring me and J.B. back food. We're staying waiting for the a/c guys. Have I mentioned that it's 89 degrees in the house? It is.
The a/c repairmen arrive and it's going to be $1700. They can pump enough regrig. to get us through the next couple of days, then they'll come back and replace the part. We can shut the windows (as if they were doing any good) and begin to cool down the house for the night.
There has been water in the kitchen. The kitchen baseboards are wet and occasionally there is a puddle near the dishwasher. J.B. had been over two weeks ago and found that it was not the dishwasher, but a leak in the wall behind the sink. He suggested Susan call in a professional. He didn't want to be the one responsible for tearing up the wall. Last night, Susan's father drags out the dishwasher to try to discover where the leak is. Susan is now on the phone with homeowner's insurance people about the water damage, Kaitlin is back and forth studying for finals and being quizzed on what she's studying, 3 dogs are all up in each other's business, J.B. and I are on our 3rd beer, Susan's dad is under the sink while J.B. holds the flashlight, Susan's mother is reading a magazine while I sit and sweat while holding the chew bone for Maggie and trying to get Sweet Emily to come sit in the fan before she dies from the heat. The insurance people said to go ahead and bust through the wall to try to make the leak better.
The boys bust through the wall underneath the cabinets under the sink. Once the insulation is removed, it is quite clear exactly where the leak is. It's a pretty good leak. You can hear it from across the room--water is on the move. We decided that we'd all get our showers and ready for bed, fill the tub with water to flush the commode with and brush our teeth so the water could be turned off for the night. Otherwise, there'd have been a mess! And that's just what we did. This morning, I washed my face and got ready with bottled water. I'm not sure when the plumber is coming, but I know the a/c boys will be back this afternoon. Poor Susan! When it rains it pours!
The a/c repairmen arrive and it's going to be $1700. They can pump enough regrig. to get us through the next couple of days, then they'll come back and replace the part. We can shut the windows (as if they were doing any good) and begin to cool down the house for the night.
There has been water in the kitchen. The kitchen baseboards are wet and occasionally there is a puddle near the dishwasher. J.B. had been over two weeks ago and found that it was not the dishwasher, but a leak in the wall behind the sink. He suggested Susan call in a professional. He didn't want to be the one responsible for tearing up the wall. Last night, Susan's father drags out the dishwasher to try to discover where the leak is. Susan is now on the phone with homeowner's insurance people about the water damage, Kaitlin is back and forth studying for finals and being quizzed on what she's studying, 3 dogs are all up in each other's business, J.B. and I are on our 3rd beer, Susan's dad is under the sink while J.B. holds the flashlight, Susan's mother is reading a magazine while I sit and sweat while holding the chew bone for Maggie and trying to get Sweet Emily to come sit in the fan before she dies from the heat. The insurance people said to go ahead and bust through the wall to try to make the leak better.
The boys bust through the wall underneath the cabinets under the sink. Once the insulation is removed, it is quite clear exactly where the leak is. It's a pretty good leak. You can hear it from across the room--water is on the move. We decided that we'd all get our showers and ready for bed, fill the tub with water to flush the commode with and brush our teeth so the water could be turned off for the night. Otherwise, there'd have been a mess! And that's just what we did. This morning, I washed my face and got ready with bottled water. I'm not sure when the plumber is coming, but I know the a/c boys will be back this afternoon. Poor Susan! When it rains it pours!
You better get your spare room looking good. I have a feeling Susan will be moving in with you, and she likes her surroundings put together nicely.
I'm on it. The room is going to be orange and white. I'm buying art from 3 art students at Roach to frame. They are beautiful orange flowers.
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