I need to get something clear with you, dear reader. I am not having my stomach stapled and my intestines rerouted. No, no and no. I am having a band put around the top of my stomach. That's it. Day surgery, no stitches just butterfly bandages. I was visiting Julie for a few days in Oklahoma and all this time she had been thinking I was having the big dangerous one. Friends, this surgery I am having requires me to actually diet and exercise. It will take time and effort on my part. It will demand that I be the bad ass girl I am. (I like that term, it covers so much more than genius. You could be a genius and suck at lots of things in life, but a bad ass is different. I want a bad ass tshirt and a vanity plate on my car. I guess I could be a genius-bad ass, but that sounds a bit conceited. I digress.)
The following pictures were taken by my long suffering mother on my blackberry. They are a bit blurry, but you'll get the idea of what my stomach will be like. You'll see the band and the port. The port is where, after a month, they will, each month, inject saline into the band. This will squeeze the band tighter and tighter around my stomach allowing me to eat less and less. ALLELUIA! ALLELUIA! ALEEEEEEELUIAAAAAAAA! (I so wish I could insert sound bites into your reading--I feel podcasts in my future, or perhaps a vlog. God bless technology) Anyway, here are the pictures. 

1 comment:
Of course, Mom took the picture...it's blurry! LMAOPIMP At least you have a head! LOL
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