Wednesday, August 20, 2008

It's Happening, people!

I went to put on an outfit today that fit me in June. The pants are hanging off of me! I was so excited all day. The shirt has gotten so much bigger that I had to wear a cami underneath it. Myboobs used to fill it out. It still fits though, but fits better. My legs, but and hips are shriiiiiiiinking. All day I just kept thinking, "This is really going to happen."

It may sound crazy, but I've had some trouble believing that I'm going to be successful. I doubt it all the time, but I keep chugging ahead. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it, but when you've had a lifetime of ups and downs and disappointments it's expected I guess. Just two days ago, I got excited for a minute, then my brain told me not to do that. It said that this too might not work. It was SURGERY to band my stomach and I'll believe it when I see it. Isn't that nuts?

I'm super proud of myself. The band isn't restricting me yet. I have been on South Beach phase 1 since 3 weeks before the surgery. I have broken it a few times for medical reasons and twice for kicks, but it's working, regardless of those breaks. Last weekend at Melissa's I even had some chicken pizza from Pizza Hut and a piece of sweet Tatum's birthday cake. The next day, right back to phase 1. I guess I really was mentally ready for all this. That makes me happy.


Anonymous said...

Just keep it up! Congratulations! Your brain will be rewired, soon!

Sara said...

Thank you for the support, anonymous person. I will definitely keep chugging along.