I got my first fill 2 weeks early! I couldn't believe Dr. Fox said okay, but they let me get it. Here's how it went down.
This is done at the surgery center, where I had the procedure done. This is a whole different office though. They may have explained that during surgery, or not. I was looped at the time, so I wouldn't know. I was told I was in the wrong place and went around to the right one.
I was there at 7:15 am. In Richardson. I was not at my sharpest. I'm not a cracker jack until about 10 am.
A nurse takes me into the little room. Lots of rules, do's and don'ts, took my vitals. Then a dr. comes in. She gives more rules, do' s and don'ts. Then she says she is going to have to stick a needle in and press around with it until she is able to find the port. She asks if I'd like a numbing shot before she begins. This is like asking me if I'd like a cocktail after a hard day at work. Hell, yes I want the numbing shot. If you've got it, poke my belly with it!
I lay down on my back. The Dr. puts a pillow in the arch of my back, so my belly is sticking out. (shut up, I know it sticks out anyway.) She gets to poking around on my belly finds it and puts some saline in. That was it.
When she sat me up, she tells me that I'm still not going to feel much restriction. This was disappointing and I knew it would be 2-3 weeks before they'd let me have another fill. I want it at the sweet spot where I can only eat a few bites. This takes several fills. They don't just squeeze it all in there, unfortunately. Probably has something to do with health. As if!
So she and I were discussing how many and when to schedule all my fills when I went back up front. I explained that my original first appt. was on August 11th and asked if I could keep it. She said, "Oh! That's too soon." I looked her in the eye, she took a second, then said, "Let's do it anyway. Go ahead and keep it and schedule two more, two weeks apart from each other." SWEEEET! Made me so happy.
After every fill, you have to sit in the waiting room and sip water for 30 minutes making sure all is clear. They do this in case they put too much in and you can't get the water down. That way you don't have to come back to have some removed. There was a lady in the waiting room who had a fill last Thursday, but it turned out to be too much. She was having all the symptoms of being over filled--coughing and pain in the chest. Not fun.
I am to be on all liquids today--the "full" liquids, not just broth. And mushies the next two days. Well, I had Kim over for lunch today with her kids. I made my favorite chicken/cashew salad for us. Corny dogs for the kids. I went ahead and tried a little, because the Dr. said I probably wouldn't feel any restriction until tomorrow. The food went down fine, so I ate about a cup of it.
Last night I had fish tacos and margaritas. I had still lost a pound by their scale. I had to get up so early today after having margaritas last night. Rough. I'm not very funny today. I'm really tired so that's all I've got for you. Well, there is this - The first lady of France is a freaky looking human. She looks like an alien to me.
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