I went for my fill today and it didn't happen. They had cancelled it when we set up all the other ones even though the Dr. or nurse (not sure what level of ed. it takes to poke in some saline) said to go ahead and keep it. It was a hot mess. I left. What could I do? I couldn't huff and puff and make them give me saline. Once in the car, I phoned them back again because I remembered that the medical saline person had said to keep the appt. They said there is no way because Dr. Fox would NEVER allow me to have another fill only 11 days past the other one.
I called bullshit on that one and phoned my surgeon's office. They'd said I had to wait 3 weeks for my first fill, but did that one super early too after speaking with my surgeon's office. I thought it was time we were all on the same page. Well...while speaking with my beloved Andrea at Dr. Fox's office, I broke down and cried. It amazes me how much I've pinned on all of this. I'm getting tears in my eyes now thinking about it. I think it's because this is not just a diet. It's my whole life. I've changed my body in a way which requires a different lifestyle. It's so much more emotionally than I ever thought it would be. So I've gone through all this after years of being a fat ass. CAN A GIRL JUST GET SOME SALINE IN HER FRIGGIN' BAND, PLEASE?
Dr. Fox called me back. He said that he really didn't care if I had it this early, but he can't make them give me an appointment. He was, of course, sorry about the confusion. Really though, this office is not his directly. He shares the surgery center with 3 other dr's and his office is way across town. UNFORTUNATELY, they do not do fills at Dr. Fox's office.
I love his office staff. When I went for my initial visit, there was the usual paperwork to fill out. On the line where you're to put what name you'd like to be called, I put "The Goddess." They have actually called me The Goddess since the first time they ever called me into the examining room. I love people who play along.
Today as I sadly waited in my car for the Dr. to call back, I perused the internet on my Blackberry. I'd googled the surgery center to get their number when I phoned them back. The website has a bio on all 4 Dr's who use that surgery center. Guess what I found out? I picked a winner! Dr. Fox was voted one of Dallas' best bariatric surgeons in D magazine 2007 and 2008. I did not know that when I chose him, but feel even more certain that I'm a genius.
In news not about me that you may or may not want to know:
My best friend from high school, Nina B., found out today that her first grand baby is going to come out a boy!! Since she had two girls, they're very excited and I am too. Nina and Thomas married at 17 because they wanted to. Four months later, Nina was pregnant. Once her youngest leaves home, Lord only knows what will happen. Nina and Thomas might become swingers or develop some hobby like raising orchids. I can only imagine. :) I love you, Nina B. Nina has a house and lineage. I have a dog. Funny how life can take you different places.
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