I was having a bad morning. Everything I went to do took 3 times as long as it normally would. Due to the funkiness of the morning, I was running late. No time to cook breakfast. While I was getting ready, I decided to let a couple of eggs boil. Once I was ready, bags in hand, I stood at the sink and hurriedly (right here is where I messed up) at a boiled egg. You can't hurry with a band. Even with a band that is not even close to full restriction.
You know that feeling when a tortilla chip goes down wrong? You have a second or two where you think you're going to die, then it passes. Go back to that spot in the process where you think you're going to die and stay there. That's exactly what it feels like to have a lap band and get food stuck. I felt it happen but thought it would pass in a bit, because it always has. I jumped in the car.
Before I'd even turned the key in the ignition, the spits started. Thank goodness my nutritionist and a vlogger (video blogger) on youtube had both talked me through this. The vlogger actually had her boyfriend tape her with the spits. Gross but educational and I was so happy to have witnessed it prior to experiencing.
My nutritionist explained it this way - your body is essentially trying to slime the caught food in order to help it down. You know how when you're about to vomit and your jaw locks, you lean over the toilet and TONS of saliva pours out of you? It's just like that without the jaw locking and nausea. Replace those with that peaking pain of a stuck Dorito chip. I did not freak out and am sure I would've. I was so miserable though!
Your instinct is to gulp water to get the food down. This is a no no. All that does is add pressure to the situation and make it hurt more. THIS information alone from the nutritionist made her $100 fee worth it. Totally $100 dollar's worth of info to not make the pain worse.
Back to the story. I'm in the car and the spits start. I realize that this is it. This is my first time to have any trouble with the band and I get out of the car. Did I mention I was already running late? BAD MORNING, people. [SKIP THE REST OF THIS PARAGRAPH IF YOU ARE WIMPY. ] I stood at the kitchen sink and spit up an amazing amount of foamy, slimy spit. It just kept coming and coming. Like when a dog with an empty stomach gets sick on the carpet and you have to clean it up. It's all just slime. Well...now I know how to make my own. The egg that felt like a Dorito hurt so badly and I wondered how long until it stopped.
After a few minutes, I could tell that it was on the move, and the pain wasn't so bad that I wanted to die. I decided that since I was already late for work, I'd better get in the car. I was not feeling pretty by any means and was angry at myself for eating so quickly.
On the drive, the spit continues to come, but not at such an alarming rate. I'm afraid to swallow it, because I don't want it to make it hurt anymore than it already does. Every once in a while, I would let a little go down to aid in the passing of the egg. Slime that thing down and let it go down the chute! I hadn't thought to bring a spit cup along, but sure do wish I had. On the tollroad, my cheeks were full of spit. This was after about 5 minutes--cheeks FULL of spit. Like chipmunk full. And this was a slowdown from before, remember. So that was another lesson learned. If in car with the spits, have something in which to spit or you're not gonna be driving happy.
Once I exited the tollroad, I considered opening my door to release it all into the street. However, it was early in the morning and I really didn't want to gross anyone else out. Miss Manners said to be thoughtful of others and I was trying. By the time I was close to my destination, the food passed and I could swallow again. I went into work with tears in my eyes. Thankfully the day got better from there.
Friday evening I had friends over for an Olympic Opening Ceremony watching party. We barbequed and had a good time. I even decorated and baked a gooey butter cake! Wasn't the ceremony something else? Really an amazing thing to see. Would've been wonderful to have been there live. I couldn't tell you my favorite part because it was all so fantastic. Cirque de Soleil style.
Fill number 2 is tomorrow afternoon. This morning, I went to brunch with Cindy and her parents. Her daddy treated us. We sat and visited for 2 and 1/2 hours with wonderful food and a pitcher of sangria and one of pickled pear margaritas. We didn't finish either pitcher, but they were both yummy. I allowed myself the sugar in those, and in the bread pudding and cobbler (shut up, I know) because I'm not sure I'll ever again be able to slip those down.
Other than this weekend, it's been Phase 1 of South Beach all the way. I think I'll just continue the pattern - liquids the day of fill, two days of mushies then South Beach phase 1 until the next fill. If I'm going to break Phase 1 rules, it will be just before the fill because I have to break it then anyway for the liquid diet. I've been successful so far with this so let's keep rockin' it.
I put on a shirt today that I'd not worn all spring and summer since last year because I knew that it didn't fit. Back when it did fit, it FIT. Know what I mean? Anyway, I thought I'd try it today. IT WAS BIG ON ME! I had to wear a cami shirt underneath it it was so big! Fireworks went off and bluebirds came and sat on my shoulder singing sweet songs of weight loss. Another month and I don't think it will fit at all.
Yay! Good for you! I finally got that text message from you Friday morning AFTER I talked to you in person. Apparently I was having cell issues.
Thanks, Kim!
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