Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fill #2

Fill #2 was Friday. The Dr. there at the Fill Shack told me it would be my biggest one ever. From now on, they'll just be bumping me up by 1-2 cc's. I found out that my band holds 10 cc's and now it is at 5. She said I still might not feel as much restriction as it will come to, but that we have to take it slow. Something about eating and not hurting myself...blah, blah, blah, just fill the band, bitch!

I had an appt. at 8:15 and needed to get to work (late) just after that. The principal at the school in need understood what was going on, but this particular campus had not seen me the whole 3 weeks I'd been back. They needed me and I was stressed about getting there.

My blood pressure has always been a source of pride for me. Even with my heart banging away double time for years now, that ol' blood pressure has been perfect. I get a pat on the back at every Dr's visit. So, you can imagine my surprise when I was told my blood pressure was up Friday morning. I explained that it could be because I feel the pressure to get to work-- they need me, they really do need me! The tech guy said, okay, let's take it again. He did. It was HIGHER! He said we'd stick with the original number. Now I was reaaaally stressing.

When the Dr. came in to put the juice in the band, she couldn't find it. She'd given me the deadening shot already, so we hustled into x-ray. She found it and juiced her up. I have been able to tell a difference and look forward to my next fill in less than 2 weeks. I oughtta feel a real difference then.

Took one day off from South Beach, then jumped right back on the wagon. I FORGOT TO TELL YOU--I'd lost another 8 pounds! That South Beach diet really does work and I enjoy the foods. It's real food, what's not to like? I was telling Susan the other day that I think I can stick to it now because having this surgery, I was prepared for my diet to change radically and permanently. Even though I can still eat most things, my brain was prepared to not do so; therefore, the diet is livable for me.

There were about 5 women all chatting like a support group in the waiting room. I was so glad and I joined in. We all were at different stages in the process, so it was interesting. There was even a woman there to have some juice taken out of her band, so we ran the gamut. Some said they could no longer eat salads, none of them could eat eggs. I learned that when going out to eat and your band is fully restricting, buying a tea or other drink is a waste because you can't drink even close to the full thing. Lots of information like that. I enjoyed talking with them. A lady had just bought a belt at a "regular" size store. She said,"It may be on the last hole, but I'm in it!" She was having trouble getting the water she was sipping post fill to go down. I might see her again having some taken out.

Hope you're enjoying your day! 8 more pounds, bitches!!!!

1 comment:

Queentypo said...

DAYUM! I'm impressed! Your attitude is great, your dropping the weight, I sure hope you're taking weekly photos.

There's an article in Redbook this month about a woman who did bypass and how she lost 100 lbs.

And watch that blood textbook bp went through the roof this year and I'm now on meds. meh.