Thursday, July 17, 2008

Hopped up on Pain Pills

Liquid vicoden, friends. I don't miss a dose, trust me. Melissa told me that if I feel pain, I've waited too long. I've lived by that. The Dr told me not to be stoic with the meds. No problem, Doc. I'm down.

Everything has gone beautifully but I'm not skinny yet. I'm hungry and all I can have is broth and diet fruit juice. OH and sugar free popscicles. Tomorrow they're going to give me "full" liquids. I'm living for one of those protein drinks waiting for me in the fridge.

When they weighed me yesterday, I'd lost 24 lbs from being on the 3 weeks of phase one South Beach! 24 pounds, bitches!! Dr was so proud and so was I. After surgery, I was not sick. I was so happy about that that I cried. There are lots of wild things and rules and all to my story. I have to do do all kinds of rituals the next couple of days, but I may be too high to get it all down. No diggity.

Felt great yesterday, but today the core of my body has felt as if it were beat by a bag of bricks. Walking is a breeze and I have to do lots of it because of blood clots and some other reason. Apparently, this is kind of a big deal to your body. I also have to inhale through this thing that sounds like the sperminator, but that's not what it is--Mom would have to tell you. I call it that though, you know I do. I have to inhale through it 10 times every hour. (Gwenn, what's that thing's purpose?) Have to cough and laugh with a folded towel over my belly. Have burp and fart high fives with Mom and Bek because getting rid of the extra gas is a good thing.

Everything I was afraid of, didn't happen. The new no barf medicine worked like a charm--well that and they gave me 2 more meds for it before and another something afterwards. They also sent me home with suppositories for nausea and vomiting. The nurse called me this morning to check on me and make sure I had done well. She said if I felt any nausea to pop even half of one of those in. They're either obsessed with me or vomiting is a bad thing with this whole stomach deal. I thought they were so nice to call me this morning.

Everyone there was nice yesterday. They were nice to me and my family. Really nice. Melissa and Todd brought me the most beautiful flowers that my niece says I'm obsessed with, but they are the most gorgeous things I've seen in a long time.

I thought Emily would be all about the bandages but she was only interested in the one on my hand where the IV went in. Weird.

My throat was all swollen from the tubes they had down me. Mom had gone and bought me a pill cutter but the pills weren't small enough even then! I choked on 4 of them and had to cough them up. The first one was scary because I wasn't sure how the whole heimlach (sp?) manuever was going to go down.

Okay, I know that wasn't well written and just mind flow but it's the best I can do on this juice my mom keeps pouring down my throat. 30 more minutes and she's coming again with another dose! Gotta get my drool cup. I'll try to clear this all up tomorrow for you. Bottom line: I'm well and my dr says I'm going to be his poster girl. I hope that involves cash!


Hampton said...

yay! On the right track! I am going to come visit you soon! Feel well, girl!

Anonymous said...

I am soooo proud of you! And way jealous too. I have been thinking about this too so I am going to watch you get beautiful and then maybe take the leap myself. So glad to hear it all went good. I have a close friend who had this done a few years ago and she had done great...looks great...having a boob job in September! Ha!! I love you tons!