Yesterday, I was completely out of gas. I was dizzy and a bit depressed. I knew that being on liquids was temporary, but it just wasn't giving me enough. Broth is about 10 calories a serving and those protein drinks aren't really filling if it's all you're getting. Plus, I'm trying to get over being stabbed in the gut 5 times and having a foreign object placed around my stomach. Needless to say, although I've already said it, LOTS going on.
On top of all of this, Sweet Emily had a stomach ache yesterday. She vomited and had other unmentionable problems. This did not make me happy. It went on until 1 in the morning at which time I gave her the last Imodium in the house. Poor sweet baby. She had a sad face on.
Feeling light headed and a bit sad, I received a text from Alissa that she wanted to visit. Yea! She came around 2 and took me up to Target. I was so weak and dizzy that I was honestly afraid that I'd get in there and not make it out before something terribly embarrassing went down. Like...my ass going down on the floor maybe! Alissa hung out for several hours and it was fun. We laughed a lot. She brightened my day. xoxo
It was a day early, but I pushed on the diet to mushies. Just to give it a chance. When we got home, it was like a buffet! Yesterday, I had some cottage cheese, some broth, some jello sugar free pudding (2), some roasted red bell pepper and black bean soup and some cream of potato soup sans the potato chunks, this apple sauce al a mode thingy--like a pudding with apple sauce, and baby food chicken. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT???
Now, this was all eaten a 1/4 - 1/2 cup at a time mind you, but as soon as that went through the funnel, this girl moved on to the next thing! The biggest thing I ate was almost the whole can of the cream of potato soup to which I added low fat sour cream and 2% cheese. I was HUNGRY. The bowl of soup made me nervous. I ate it with full soup spoonfuls instead of my usual 1/2 a teaspoon (unbelievable) bites. After eating, I laid down though and just chilled for a bit. No problem! No stomach aches, no tightness, nada. WHEW!
I realize this seems like I was out of control, but I really wasn't. I was just hungry. I woke today feeling myself again. Had energy--got up and moving, doing things around the house. When I was going to sleep last night, I put a plan of action for today's food together in my head. Coffee, then when band is loose, some cottage cheese. (I just had about a cup of that, but didn't even finish it. I think I'm back to normal now.). Sip on protein drinks throughout the day to supplement. LORD knows I do not want to lose my hair again. BAD deal, that one. Soup for lunch then baby food for dinner.
Let's talk about the baby food, shall we? Alissa and I were giggling like we were buying condoms or something while we looked at the baby food. How could you possibly know what tastes good and what doesn't? Weirdo combinations too like grains prunes and peaches. Who wants to eat that? I decided that chicken was something that maybe I could season up and make palatable. Bananas looked good--hard to mess up a mushed up banana, right? RIGHT?!
There was a lady in the baby food aisle with a baby. I asked her if she'd tasted baby food lately. She looked disgusted and said, "No, I haven't!" Well, guess what, sister! I'm about to be an expert. Alissa was wishing she had a camera to get that look on my face after the first bite. My camera was about 3 steps away from her, but I somehow failed to mention that. Silly me.
Beth, my sister, had told me that it is not seasoned hardly at all. True dat, bitches! I could not add enough salt and pepper. It tasted like chicken. Chicken without any seasoning ground to the tiniest smallest possible texture. Like super fine sand, but chickenier. As Alissa stared and we giggled, I ate about half of one of those baby food jars and instantly felt better. Next, I moved on to the puddings.
Yesterday was all Ibuprofen. Just a few aches and pains, mostly right in the middle where the biggest incision is through which they placed the band. I hate that serious pain medicine so much. Not a fun high. I lose all personality--like a lobotomy patient, and I have horrible freaky nightmares. I think that's the incentive to get people off of it. Want to feel sane again? Get better!
There are so many details I include in these postings. The details aren't interesting to most of you probably, but it's for the people out there considering lap band. I know that several of you who read this are considering it. Before my surgery, and even now, I couldn't get enough information.
On to other subjects you may or may not care about. I want to paint a wall in my apartment bright ocean blue and another one a cool orange. Cindy told me yesterday to get the alcohol in the house (as if it weren't already) because that was a 3 drink decision. She always comes up with good lines! This place needs more color for me. The walls are a soothing light mushroom color. I need some bright in here to keep me happy.
Jewry was telling me last night that when she was a cheerleader, the squad ran a fireworks stand each summer. They never paid a dime for their uniforms and regalia. Those always make wicked good money. Good to know-- a little late maybe, but it's good information to tuck away. My good sister, Beth, is going to help with that outrageous freaking ridiculous cost which I won't get over emotionally until Christmas. I think Beth bought her middle school cheer outfit and it was less expensive. I swear, I think the sponsor just let the girls get anything they wanted. Dumb ass. It's not as if these girls are competitive cheer leaders. My friend Nina raised one of those. Lord knows what that cost her. I can only imagine. RIDICULOUS. And if Bekah thinks she wants to be in some sorority in college, she's going to have to cough up that on her own. Knowing her, she will too. She likes to be involved in everything. Bitch better get a job.
1 comment:
Sounds like a J-O-B is in order for one young lady, eh?
Baby food meats are so gross. Reminds me of potted meat. If you haven't gone there before...don't.
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