I am OVER moving. Over it! And it's not even moving day, people. I'm so exhausted today that I can 't tell if I'm really sick or worn out....or both. I will be taking a prescription sleeping pill tonight so that I won't wake early. These also assure a nap the next day, and I need to get some rest.
It's akin to a cleaning spree, this packing thing. I get momentum going with a list of things in my head, then there's no stopping me. One thing leads to another. My feet hurt, I feel weird and my body is worn out. Moving day is Wednesday and I have only about 4 more boxes to pack. I'm ahead of schedule. But, this does afford me some time to rest before moving day.
I realized that when you have a list of Worst Things to Do, it doesn't make much difference if you get the worst one out of the way. After that, what was the second worst thing, is now the worst thing and you come to dread it as much as you did the previous #1 worst thing. Girl genius, huh?
Cindy came over yesterday and helped. (Thank you so much, friend! xoxo) Emily was thrilled to see her Aunt Cindy and friend Zach. She was getting quite bored with only me. Abby isn't even here now. She's at the lake with Kaitlin. Today, Em has started getting a little weirded out by the packing. Before today, things were mostly just shuffled around. Now they're going into boxes. She's clingy and giving me the eyes.
We took the evening off and watched Juno. LOVED it. I missed that Juno girl once the movie was over. I even thought about her today. How strange is that?? I did have some vodka. (not because I missed Juno, dork) It was 11 days from the surgery, I've done an extra week of the pre surgery sexy up your liver diet, and I didn't go over the diet's carb count.
Talked with Mom today. She and my neice will come Sunday, I think. That will give me some time to see my beautiful, smart, funny neice. I've not seen her all summer! She always likes to go have a cheeseburger somewhere yummy, so we'll do that. Also, I'm going to be hurting for a mani/pedi a week from now, so we'll go do that. Gotta shop--gotta hit IKEA.
They're also going to help me unpack anything left and pamper me after surgery. Mom said they can stay as long as I need them. Love that. Mom will make certain I do all the post surgery walking and eat the right things.
Okay, off to take a pill and go to LaLa Land....
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