Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Like many things, it's all because I wore high heels

I'll get back to the high heels in a second.

My yearly physical did not go well. Not at all. It's become depressing to go to the Dr. What's interesting is that in order to get medicated for depression, you have to visit the Dr. See how that works? The good Dr. told me that I'm fat, old enough to never miss a mammogram (old) and "as we speak your arteries are clogging." I've been bummed for two days now. Another funny thing about all this. When I'm bummed, I want to eat. See how that works?

I've lived my life as if I'm on vacation. To steal Mr. Fair's words, no one has ever cheated me out of a good time. I've prided myself on this. What has it gotten me? A terrible body, bad blood and iffy boobs. There is also something going on in my pelvis. It hurts when I move it and it hurt when the Dr. poked around on it. I'm convinced it is lupus or MS or something equally as horrible. Dr. laughed at that but drew some extra blood to check anyway. He offered me prednisone to help but I took a non steroidal prescription. Probably not lupus based on the prescription. You never know though!

I had planned to go to the store after work. I was going to hit Wal-mart (only because I need my oil changed and tires rotated), unfortunately, I wore high heels to work today. Maybe you can shop big groceries in high heels, but I'm just not that good of a woman. Plus, there's the whole lupus in the pelvis situation. Wouldn't want to exacerbate that, now would we? So, I had a good excuse to go home, get in my pajamas and paint my nails. I feel like I did before I started the big diet in 2008--I'm panicked to eat everything I enjoy really quickly before starting. I realize this is ridiculous, but it eases my mind somehow. Yes, somehow packing on a few last minute pounds makes me feel better. Let's not go into that though. Therapy wore me out already in this life. Let's leave it and walk away.

So, friends, my blog will live again. I will write to amuse and inform you with my dieting and my life. I feel it's better to blog and if you give a flip you can tune in. If you don't give a flip then why are you here anyway?

Will she go to the store and buy heart healthy food tomorrow or will she eat the leftovers still in the fridge? (money is money after all and food ain't free!) Stay tuned to find out...


Jill said...

I give a flip, I'm still here, I'm readin', and I'm laughing -- dang it! Now, if you had worn some mole skin with those heels, you might've been able to hit up the grocery store. :)

Sara said...

I'm SO buying moleskin at Wal-Mart today! Thanks for the reminder, friend.