Monday, January 24, 2011

The Bacon Bit Bit Back

Last weekend, after Riverdance, Mom and I stopped at Chili's. Mostly because it was late and nothing else but iHop and Frisco Disco (Down Under Pub) were open. I got a cobb salad. Someone in the kitchen must've been terrified to send out raw bacon, because it was dang near charcoal. No, charcoal would've actually broken apart. This had gone past that to diamond. So I bit down on a diamond of a bacon bit and hurt my tooth. I thought it was just kind of sore but now it hurts. I will find out in the morning how bad it is--and by bad I mean how much money it will cost. The pain is bad enough that I thought I'd take some of the vicoden I have left over from my sinus illness last year. Now I'm floating around and my ears are popping. Watching a movie is probably the best thing for me. Or petting Lolly...or maybe just staring at that spot on the wall and thinking about it all...

I got my hair cut last night (finally), and Jim, who cuts my hair, just had kidney stones. He’s 3 years older than me. He was wondering what happened to the days when we were younger and things just went away. You just waited and it would take care of itself. Now it gets worse. I had been hoping that maybe that bacon bit just wounded my tooth. Jim assured me I was wrong. It was jacked up and not going to go away.

First day of detox is over. It went well. The good thing about it all is that I love healthy foods too. I just have to get back into the habit of eating them again. I cooked up some squash and onions and some cauliflower so that I have those ready to go in the eve. When I eat good food, my lap-band has an opportunity to work. I eat the meat first and fill up very quickly. A year of "working around the band" has gotten me nowhere.

If you've been with me at all in the past year, you know that party foods are the easiest for me to get past the band. Seems horribly unfair, doesn't it? If you think a lapband will take away all the hard part of dieting, you are sadly mistaken. Chinese food is still not an option, but really crispy thin crust pizza (on a good day) is. Chips and queso? EASY as long as the chips are the thin ones. Cheese grits will go down if you have them after coffee has loosened the band up. Cookies and most cakes--not a problem. Booze? Well, hide and watch, friend. I could go on and on. So you see, losing weight with a lap band does take dedication and work. If you're reading this because you're interested in a lap band, please understand that the good stuff is really good stuff once you have a band because it's delicious AND you can eat lots of it. Wish me luck on day two of the two week detox, friends. And that dang toof.

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