You can FREAKIN' FEEL THE BAND AROUND MY STOMACH! Is that a trip or what? You can FEEL it. I was not expecting that. Next time I see ya, I'll let you feel it if you want. I think I can feel where the port is, but that could just be a big knot of fat. Not quite sure yet.
I have my post surgery follow up on Wednesday, then my first saline fill is after that. I am ready for some restriction, let me tell you. I am also ready to get the clear for some fresh fruits and veggies. Give me something crunchy!
I still have yet to get sick or even have a difficult burp. Burps do scare me a little bit though when they are trying to work their way out of stomach A to baby stomach B. I've not quite come up with a nickname yet. It'll come, but, like a burp, I don't like to force them. Perhaps Mini-S, short for mini stomach. I'm liking that at the moment. (I came back and read this before posting. I changed my mind. That's totally gay. It'll come.)
Eating is getting more and more open. I'm not cleared actually for some of the things I'm eating, but know they'll go down. Today, oatmeal and two eggs for breakfast (see? I need that saline, baby!), two corn tortillas with lowfat cheese and chipotle sauce plus a quarter cup of the leftover oatmeal for dessert about a cup and a half of mashed potatoes with low fat sour cream, 3 laughing cow french onion lite cheese triangles and crumbled turkey bacon for dinner with apple sauce for dessert. That's a lot of food and bunches of starches. Some days it's all puddings and soups. I just snack on soft stuff all day with protein drinks in between. I'm impatient to eat good foods again and be restricted to smaller portions. I was really enjoying the foods on South Beach. Bring on Skinny Sara!
Oh my gosh, I nearly fogot. I felt like Vodka wouldn't burn a hole through my stomach, so I tried some last Friday night. Just as I'd be getting a buzz, I'd lose it. My small stomach with the band at the bottom is like a funnel into my big stomach. So the little stomach would fill up and I'd have to wait for it to empty before sipping again. Cindy, with whom I was imbibing, had to explain to me that I needed less of the diet cranberry juice and more of the grey goose. If you've ever had one of my drinks, you know that there was not at all much cranberry to give up! So I went to sipping pretty much straight grey goose (going to have to buy the flavored now) and it worked its magic. GOOOOOOD BLESS AAAAMEEEEERICA! The very next evening, Todd gave me Maker's Mark with a shot of water and ice. Kickin' it my Daddy's style!
Let's talk about those protein drinks. I'm not too keen. They remind me too much of the syrup we used to create milk shakes when I worked at Burger King at the age of 16. That place was run by Denton High School. They announced they were opening and hiring over our daily announcements. We all ran. I had fun and probably gained 30 pounds that year! Killer salad bar and I'd just pour the Ranch dressing over that salad. Do you think that's when it was new? When did that stuff come out?
I'm still not healed inside and here is how I know. It hurts to lay on my belly. No, let me rephrase that. It hurts when I get up from laying on my belly. Leaned over to put on my make up the other day and when I stood up - OUCH! Tenderoni. Guess what's my favorite way to lay and work on the computer? Laying on my belly. I think it's because of the upgraded boob package God gave me. Well, me and mankind were given them, weren't we? It takes a village, friends.
I've just been trying not to freak out about this being the last week of my summer. I get a little panicky the last week every summer I don't work. There has been mucho grading to do this week. I spent most of today doing it. Only two more sections tomorrow, then I'm done. There are only a few days each course where I have to grade, but I HATE it. Feels as if I have homework. And I guess I do!
So, check up on Wednesday. Surely there will be more to post after that.
Enough about me...what do you think about me? (get it?)
Friends were talking the other day trying to figure out if it was okay to post or if it wasn't being done. POST people, please. I'm in the middle of some life changing stuff here and could use some encouragement and humor. I love it when I see you and you say, "I read your blog and laughed." Kim thinks I should write a book. She wants to be editor or something. I'm going to title it, "Listen, Bitches," because that makes me laugh. All of you are so funny too and I would love to see what you are thinking about after you read my stuff. Every one of you knows each other (except maybe you've not met my sister or my Uncle Charlie, but I know you've read some of his forwarded emails!) Log in and post. You're not so busy saving the world that you don't have three seconds to log in in order to post.