Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Back to Work

Let the countdown begin! I have 14 more days of work until summer. Yea summer! As you know, I am a hot blooded woman. Without moving cool air, I become agitated and unhappy. I don't think the air conditioner in Susan's house is working properly. It's hotter than usual. I can't make a move without a fan on me. I am leaving her house with 4 fans I did not own when I moved in there. 3 of which are large oscillating fans. You may think that it's because I'm fat. It's not. I was this way when I was skinny.
Speaking of a skinny Sara--I hope I hear about the surgery this week. Say a little prayer for that. Then say another one about $6,000 dropping into my bank account to finance it. It might make me poor, but I'd be looking great!
Tonight, I do a new student chat with Lamar. I'll have to miss Kaitlin's end of the year orchestra concert. Susan's parents are coming up for it. I think it's only an hour and it's only for the brand new to the program students. My fear is that I'm going to be asked something I can't answer. I've prepared a pat answer for that, of course.
There's a new book I want written by Chelsea Handler, a comedianne I like. The book is titled, "Are you there vodka, it's me Chelsea." A play on the old Judy Blume book, "Are you there God, it's me Margaret." I wish I'd thought of that title. I think it's perfection.
If you've not already checked out the video "Did you Know?" do. I've linked to it beneath my picture. The one with the green bird on my head, as mother says.


Courtney said...

It looks like I am officially the
1st person to comment on your page. Your pic is adorable, I love it!
I'm never gonna miss a beat now :)
The Did You Know video was incredible, yet scary at the same time. Facinating, actually.
Lemme know when you get your hands on that book. I heard about it 2 wks ago and have yet to make it to b&n to pick it up.
I'm very excited to visit the new apt. when you move. Hopefully we will be able to share one of Sara's Signature Margaritas before the surgery!
Love your blog~ I'll be waiting for more

Sara said...

girl, let's go get us one of those and the 87 ways one Cindy talks about!!