There's something so very cool about a "snow day" off of work. There's is this instant relaxation that overtakes the world. The morning rush is gone in a poof! No makeup and hair up in a pony tail all day. Delightful special surprise. It's as if everyone at the same moment takes a relaxing sigh, makes some hot chocolate and grabs a book. I don't mind the make up day in the spring because I know those are coming. It's surprise snow make up days that would bother me! (Oh, Sara, by the way. You'll need to work this Saturday to make up for that snow day in January. HUGE bummer) These snow days are complete surprises. We are gifted with an excuse for laziness. The night before is like Christmas Eve--you wonder what special things the next day holds. Will we go to work or not? Then you get the call. Everyone is home, so work isn't really backing up. You might have to reschedule a few things, but it worth it. Snow days are special like Christmas because nearly everyone is staying home. Everyone is having a day in with the family.
I felt for the people who were stuck in downtown Dallas on a mix master behind a jackknifed truck. Some were backing their vehicles up. Some waited in their car. While watching the news, I saw a dude who was parked on the interstate get out of his car to put on his coat then got back in his car. It was 20 degrees and sleeting with 45 mph winds but he couldn't find a way to wiggle into that coat while in the car? As he got back in the car, I wondered if he regretted getting out and thought himself the dummy that he appeared to be. I also wondered if all the drivers on the road regretted leaving home at all. When I see those people on the highway in weather like this, I wonder what it is they do that is so important to them, or to others that, no matter what the dangers, they must get there. Health professional or checker at grocery store. Both equally important on a day like today.
Mother and I spoke on the phone today. We discussed earth becoming an Ice Age situation. Yeah, Ice Age as in the movie. Mom said that one could clearly see from those movies that the earth being covered with ice is not a good deal for earth's inhabitants. (she's funny) Mom had been thinking about how maybe our galaxy has seasons like earth does. INTERESTING to think about. And seriously, God's wonders are so far beyond our pea brains that how would we know they don't? I don't need some Googlemeister or science geek to send me a thesis on it, but it's an interesting thing to ponder, but not too deeply. Once I start thinking about the galaxy and trying to imagine anything beyond it, my brain freezes up just like a computer does when you click on things too quickly. I just freeze up to work on it, realize I can't and have to reboot to clean it all out.
Imagine living in Elizabethan times when all there was time for was primping, partying, playing music and pondering. They got into far deeper thoughts than we do. We don't have to ponder. We have the Internet. See how the world has improved thanks to technology? NO thinking required. Progress!
This morning, JB and I were watching the news. They were in the convention center for Superbowl stuff going on. Lots of booths set up with swag and information and who knows what. The next Superbowl will be in Indianapolis. Indy had a big booth proudly showing their city and highlighting its wonders. Newscaster, Ms. Clarice Tinsley went and spoke to the rep at the Indy booth. That rep explained thatin their city they have 4800 hotel rooms within blocks of the football stadium and those hotels are all connected by tunnels to the stadium. You never have to even hit the weather outside at all if you don't want to. She said they do have lots of snow in January, but that THEY know how to handle weather. (Oh, girl, you did not just say that on Dallas news.) She strongly implied that we here in Dallas do not know how to handle weather. I turned to JB and said that we here in Dallas consider a month of over 100 degree days "weather" and WE know how to handle that. Bet they don't. We'd build tunnels but there is no way we could ever afford to keep the air conditioning at the desired public-space setting of a chilly 70 degrees. Forget tunnels. We'll just use our car a/c. See? We do know how to handle weather.
During this historical cold weather, I'm thankful to God for blessing me with a warm, nice home where the heater works well and healthy food with good wine for today...and tomorrow. All day I kept thinking of those who don't have a warm home to go to. I stood out in my backyard today and felt the weather and thought about that. About how it would feel if I was walking the streets, hungry and cold. How horribly lonely that must be.
This was a long, rambling post. There are about four more topics from today I have in my head to write about, but I've gone on plenty long. Hope you're warm, well fed and loved tonight too!
Here's a drink for you on these cold days. A French Horn. In a mug of hot chocolate, throw in a shot of brandy and 1/2 a shot of almond liqueur. Top with mini marshmallows or whipped cream. I've never met anyone who didn't just love them.
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