Get This! A woman with whom I work told me a most interesting story yesterday. For the sake of privacy we will call her FiFi. I'm going with FiFi, because I can. So here's the deal...a relative of Fifi dies and leaves their truck to Fifi's cousin. After having the truck for a while, Fifi's cousin no longer wants it. He sells it to Fifi and her husband to give to their daughter, a high school student. Fifi and her husband go get the truck (I think it was from out of state) and their daughter now has wheels.
Not long after getting the truck, Fifi receives a phone call from her uncle. Uncle seems a bit embarassed but soon gets to the point. Cousin phoned Uncle asking that he call Fifi to warn her. Cousin had a hidden stash of marijuana he'd hid in the truck then, as stoners often do, had forgotten was there! The high school student has been driving around with pot in her car! High schools regularly have drug dogs visit to sniff out drugs and booze in the parking lot and rest of the campus. Fifi said that if her daughter had been busted, she, like most parents, wouldn't have bought her daughter's line, "I don't know how that got in there!"

Fifi and her family crawled all over that truck looking for this hidden bag of weed. Cousin Cheech had some skills, because they couldn't find it. Fifi went to her school's police officer and asked if it would be possible to take the truck up to the police station and ask that one of their trained dogs could sniff it out. Officer Helpful had a better idea. He went to a website and searched for the truck model in a database. Voila! Up pops a list of hiding spots druggies use to hide their stuff in that particular model and make of truck. WHO KNEW?! This truck had four possible places. Sure enough, Cheech's bag of weed was sitting in one of them.
Fifi and her husband had the truck detailed to remove the smell. She took the opportunity of having a bag of weed to do something she'd not yet been able to--it's not what you're thinking. She showed it to her kids and let them smell it and know what it looks like. Great opening for a discussion. Officer Helpful told her to flush the weed when she found it. Fifi
says she did.
1 comment:
Now, that is some story!
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