I'm often (no exaggerating) asked if I'm Brazilian, Samoan, Mexican, Spanish, Argentinian, Persian, Native American, Eastern Indian, and any other ethnicity that has brown skin. I'm a white chick. Totally. It's been such an ongoing thing that Susan and I thought about doing a calendar of all the different women I appear to be for a joke. Being asked "what are you" is like being in a cast asked how you broke your arm. Same conversation, same reaction over and over again. Many of you reading this blog have been there to witness a conversation probably very much like the following.
Stranger: Excuse me, we were over at our table and couldn't help wondering what ethnicity you are. You're so dark with those light eyes.
Me: I'm a total white chick with a tiny drop of native American somewhere way down the line. Stranger: Really? I would have guessed (insert brown people here) because of (insert any one of my apparently dadgum exotic features here).
Me: Really.
Stranger: That's just crazy! You really look like you're (whatever they think)! Are you sure you don't have something else.
Me: Totally.
Stranger: Well, I'll bet your Daddy looked at the mailman twice! (or some other lame joke)
Me: I look like my Dad. No denying.
Years and years of questioning my ethnicity have caused me to look for a good answer. I was thinking if I had a cool answer, it would end the conversation. The other night, I was watching No Reservations (travel and food show) where they were in French Polynesia. I realized that if I, when asked, told curious strangers that I was French Polynesian they'd buy it and I wouldn't have to go through the whole thing. Who around here really knows what a person from there looks like exactly. If I say French Polynesian, it leaves it open to different choices of islands. If the stranger wants more specifics about my genealogy I can say I don't know. They'll leave happy and satisfied that they were able to spot a special something about me and I'll leave happy that I've fooled them.
Plop a pot of flowers upside down on my head and I'd fit in on almost any island. Bonjour!

This could be my family reunion for all anyone knows!

I'm going to buy this t-shirt to wear all summer when I'm super tan and my background gets super sketchy even with those who know my parents! You know I'm not kidding.

A Dieu!
Polynesian French, it *is* your kind of world. Dang!
Personally, I vote for Sioux.
bbBird. :)
Kills me every time!
I think you rock the Indian princess look. I've seen it first hand and girl, you can rock a feather and braids!
I think Samoans blog more frequently, however....
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