When I had this week's "What the hell?" moment I was looking at funny mugshots. You see, friends, even thugs get their hair done. They do not wake up with that "gonna knife you" look all together. It takes time, energy and some tattoo ink to make that happen. I thought about what my mug shot would look like if I were in the middle of doing my hair when the coppers busted down the door to take me away. I would probably be as ashamed at my appearance in the mugshot as I would be of a crime. And that mugshot would surely be on some website of funny mugshots. My hair is nearly all white. Far more salt than pepper. Personally, I prefer the hair color God started me out with, and thanks to modern chemical processes, I can have that color too! Keeping that color up reguires me to dye my hair a lot. Dark brown against white shows quickly! The process ain't pretty either, people. I have this hideous t-shirt that I wear everytime I dye. You can imagine how lovely it is. J.B. says that the way I look with the dye is not as bad as that ugly old t-shirt. When the slimy dye is in my hair, I tie it all up directly on top of my hair like a sumo's topknot.
Honestly, it looks like this dude is getting his hair dyed Clairol's Grey Matter Dark Brown #4 instead of being honored in a sumo topknot ceremony (which he is). Only difference in my look and the one he's got is the clean shirt. Well, there's usually dye on top of my ears too. Beauty treatments are never cheap, easy, pretty in process nor comfortable. Just sayin'.
Here are some mugshots of criminals who seemed to have been mid-hair appointment when they were taken in to police custody. The cops had them right where they wanted them--in the barber's chair under a cape sitting still so the braids were straight. They moved in and the thugs are off the streets. Plus we get some seriously unfortunately funny pictures.
This first guy looks sad and embarassed. He knows he's going to jail, knows his hair is FUNNY looking and knows we know. For his sake, as well as all the others, I hope there's someone in the holding tank who knows hair!

Now this dude, he knows he looks funny. Seems to be in on the joke. I like this guy because I see a sense of humor in him. An attitude of "Oh well...what are ya gonna do?" comes through, doesn't it? It's as if the camera man made a crack like, "I'm sure you're thrilled to have
this mugshot," just before clicking the button. And the dude got the joke! Bless him.

This next one was precisely half way through his braiding when he was taken into custody and home slice does not think it's funny. You would NOT want to crack a joke about his hair. He knows the cops timed this on purpose and he is
extremely angry about it all.

It would have to mess with you "street creds" to have something like this out there on the internet. No matter how many tattoos are on your neck, you're going to look like a dork if you're mid hair process--whatever that process is!
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