Thursday, January 12, 2012

Photo Challenge Catch Up

Once again, I'm reminded by a friend that I need to post to my blog. And so I shall. I needed something to do this weekend to burn off the hurt fee-fee's I have right now and Jilly-bean had the answer on her blog--- a photo challenge. It kind of reminds me of those BFF thingies we girls love to fill out. I even have one saved Daddy filled out for me. Thesed are his responses that made me grin..

1. You have ten dollars to spend at a gas station on snacks. What do you buy?

Daddy: peanuts and a V-8

2. Describe your mood.

Daddy: Pleasant.

3.Of all your friends, who would you want to be stuck in a well with?

Daddy: Someone pleasant and warm.

4. If you could use only one form of transportation what would it be?

Daddy: limo


5. Last time you ate gummy worms?

Daddy: Halloween

6. Do you have a picture of you doing a cartwheel?

Daddy: No way

7. Do other people consider you smart?

Daddy: You must ask other people.

8. How many piercings do you have?

Daddy: None that I'll admit.

9. Have you ever tried glueing your fingers together?

Daddy: Happened by accident, not good.

10. What time do you go to bed?

Daddy: As quickly as possible and stay as long as I can.

11. Last person you hugged?

Daddy: my wife.

Sweet ol' Daddy